• Homeopathy cures a larger percentage of cases than any other form of treatment and is beyond doubt safer and more economical.Mahatma Gandhi
  • Homeopathy is the safest and more reliable approach to ailments and has withstood the assaults of established medical practice for over 100 years


Any registered Homoeopathic practitioner desirous of joining the Association may be enrolled as a member, as per rules and regulation of the Association. The membership consists of the following categories:

    Any registered Homoeopathic practitioner, who pays the annual subscription and admission fee decided by National Executive Committee from time to time shall be called as Primary Member.
    Any registered Homoeopathic practitioner who is eligible for Primary Membership and who pays a sum of Rs. 3,000/- may become a Life Member. Membership of a Life Member enrolled directly by the Secretariat, shall be attached to a unit nearest to either the professional or residential address of the member, in consultation with the member concerned.
Membership Category Total for 2 Years Unit State Centre Admission Fee Corpus Fund District Coordination Committee
New Member 350/- 75/- 75/- 75/- 100/- 13/- 12/-
Old Member 250/- 75/- 75/- 75/- - 13/- 12/-
Life Member 3000/- 600/- 600/- 1800/- - - -

Renewals of Membership, excepting those of Life Members, shall be done every 2 years in the month of January, but in no case later than in March.

A member desirous of transferring his membership may inform the branch concerned stating the reasons thereof, under intimation to the present Unit and to the Unit intended to be transferred to.


    A registered Homoeopathic practitioner, desirous of becoming a member shall apply to a Unit or where no unit exists in the area of residential or professional address of the applicant, to the branch in the prescribed application form in triplicate, along with 3 Xerox copies of Registration and Homoeopathic qualification if any, 2 passport size photographs and together with admission fee and the subscription. Membership shall come into force from the date of application and only on approval by State Executive Committee/National Executive Committee.
    A registered Homoeopathic practitioner, desirous of becoming a Life Member shall apply to a Unit or to the Centre in the prescribed application form along with subscription, subject to the approval by National Executive Committee. In case when applied to a unit the application should be forwarded to the Centre through the State Branch duly scrutinized.


  • Take part in scientific seminars, meetings, lectures, discussions, demonstrations and conferences of the Association or its Units and Branches, on payment of fee as and when prescribed.
  • Receive the journal or any other publications of the Association free of cost or on payment of fee at such rates as may be decided by the National Executive Committee from time to time. Provided that the member shall be entitled to receive the journal or other periodicals published in the succeeding month in which his enrolment is approved.
  • Use of the library of such other premises set apart there for, under such terms and conditions as may be decided.
  • Primary and Life Members shall be entitled to vote at the elections or at any meeting or on any issue, and to hold any office or to be elected for representation. Each member having the power of vote shall be entitled to a single non transferable vote only and voting in person.
  • No member, whose subscription at the time of voting has been in arrears, shall be entitled to vote or to any of the other privileges.
  • Records and files of the Central or Branch or Unit Offices and those of other committees may be made available for inspection to members of respective bodies by the Secretary General or General Secretary or Secretary concerned, and at a time and place fixed therefore by the later.
  • Members shall be entitled to such other privileges and rights as may be prescribed from the time to time.

Termination of Membership shall be on any of the following grounds -

  • By death.
  • By resignation in writing to and on being accepted, confirmed by, the Executive Committee of the Unit concerned.
  • By failure to pay renewal subscriptions for more than 2 months.
  • On his being convicted by a Court of Law for and offence involving moral turpitude.
  • On his being declared insane or of unsound mind by a competent authority.
  • When found guilty on prima facie facts or after an enquiry in such manner as may be prescribed, on ground of misconduct, disrepute in profession or otherwise infringement of the rules and regulations of the Association, or of willfully doing anything prejudicial and detrimental to the interests and objects of the Association.
  • On his medical qualification, or Registration of practice being forfeited on the ground of his misconduct or for any other reason.
HMAI Online Membership Registration View Online Registration


  • Dr Yogendra Kumar13-02-2025please send me membership form
  • Hrishikesh Roy01-02-2025I want to join as a member and want to attend different activities including meetings. I am interested in Homoeopathy and have undergone a course of Biochemic system . Iam retired and voluntarily want to dispense the homoeopathic medicines. Can you please help me.
  • Musipatla madhukar22-01-2025I am non medical retd govt servant aged 70 years I am a fan of homeopathiy I would like to join the association as a member as non medical stream Kindly allow membership for fans of homeopathiy who are from non medical field
  • Dr Kamalesh Choudhury 17-01-2025Send details for membership and New Unit proposal in N E India
  • Dr md sufiyan Ansari 13-12-2024general physician
  • Dr Sheshmani Yadav 10-12-2024HMAI Membership
  • ASHOK KUMAR SONI09-12-2024Looking support for membership certificate
  • Sk kahar ali04-12-2024Nerve problem
  • Dr. Gholam Murtaza Saudagar02-12-2024I have paid full time membership payment on 07/01/2024 ,still not getting Certificate of lifetime HMAI member.
  • Dr Siddhartha Sankar Mohapatra 30-11-2024Wants to be a member
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