• Homeopathy cures a larger percentage of cases than any other form of treatment and is beyond doubt safer and more economical.Mahatma Gandhi
  • Homeopathy is the safest and more reliable approach to ailments and has withstood the assaults of established medical practice for over 100 years

About HMAI

  1. NAME :
    The name of the Association is The Homoeopathic Medical Association of India (HMAI).


  2. OFFICE :
    The Registered Office of the Association is situated in Delhi and the working office (Secretariat) may be located where the Secretary General resides.

  4. OBJECTS :
    The objects of the Association are :
    • Yo Achieve the Holistic Health for all by providing quality Homoeopathic Health Care in India.
    • To improve the Public Health in accordance with the Holistic principles of Homoeopathy.
    • To update with the latest work of the leading Homoeopaths across the Country and provide platform for interaction among st the practitioners.
    • To create the mass awareness campaign for Health with Homoeopathy on National as well as international platform.
    • To promote and advance the science of Homoeopathy and its education in india.
    • To promote and advance the science of Homoeopathy and Homoeopathic education in india in accordance with the basic principles of homoeopathy , as enunciated by Hahnemann.
    • To improve the public health in accordance with the Homoeopathic principles as applied to prevalent public health methods.
    • To maintain the honour and dignity and to uphold and safeguard the interests of the Homoeopathic profession.
    • To promote cooperation among the homoeopathic fraternity by forming a unitary national organisation of the Homoeopaths


  5. METHODS :
    For the attainment and furtherance of the above objects the Association may :
    • Adopt measures and take steps to safeguard and protect the rights of practice and other rights appurtenant thereto, of all the registered and enlisted Homoeopaths in India.
    • Make effective representations to the Central and State Governments for establishment of medical and Health Service Cadres for Homoeopathy, for opening Homoeopathic Health Centers and hospitals, for obtaining grants for Homoeopathic institutions and for employment and absorption of homoeopathic institutionally qualified Practitioners in various services including Employees State Insurance Scheme, Research Schemes etc. and for directing the autonomous bodies and other undertakings to provide facilities for homoeopathic treatment to their employees.
    • Arrange for maintaining and uplifting the educational, professional and ethical standard of the members.
    • Hold periodical meetings, congresses and conferences and arrange from time to time lectures, discussions and demonstrations in any aspect of homoeopathy and allied sciences.
    • Publish and circulate a journal as official organ of the Association for the Homoeopathic profession.
    • Provide guidelines for writing, editing, printing and or publishing text books for homoeopathic education on various preclinical and clinical subjects.
    • Co-operate with or be affiliated to or associate with international Homoeopathic organization or Homoeopathic organizations or bodies of other countries, not formed for the purpose of profit and whose objects are wholly or partly similar to those of the Association.
    • To affiliate any registered Association subscribing to the policy and programmes of the Association.
    • Purchase, take on lease or otherwise acquire hold manage, let sell, exchange mortgage or otherwise dispose off moveable or immovable property of every description andall rights and privileges appurtenant there to as may be necessary in the circumstances.
    • Erect, maintain, improve, alter and keep in repair any building or buildings for the purpose of the Association.
    • Express its views on matters pertaining to any propose legislation affecting public health in general and Homoeopathic profession and education, in particular and place the same before the Central and other State Governments, and take such other steps regarding the same as may be expedient from time to time.
    • Establish relations with Statutory Bodies, Boards, Councils, Universities, other teaching institutions, in Homoeopathy in their activities, consistent with the aims and objects of the Association.
    • Conduct educative campaign among the masses of India in matter of public health and sanitation and participate in the public health programme organized by the Government.
    • Encourage research in Homoeopathy and allied sciences with grants out of the funds of the Association, by formation and/or maintenance, of societies of provers or other research units or committees and by establishment of Scholarships, prizes, or awards and in such other manner as may be determined by the Association from time to time.
    • Do all such other things and adopt all such other ways and means as are cognate to the objects of the Association or are incidental and conductive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.
HMAI Online Membership Registration View Online Registration


  • Dr Yogendra Kumar13-02-2025please send me membership form
  • Hrishikesh Roy01-02-2025I want to join as a member and want to attend different activities including meetings. I am interested in Homoeopathy and have undergone a course of Biochemic system . Iam retired and voluntarily want to dispense the homoeopathic medicines. Can you please help me.
  • Musipatla madhukar22-01-2025I am non medical retd govt servant aged 70 years I am a fan of homeopathiy I would like to join the association as a member as non medical stream Kindly allow membership for fans of homeopathiy who are from non medical field
  • Dr Kamalesh Choudhury 17-01-2025Send details for membership and New Unit proposal in N E India
  • Dr md sufiyan Ansari 13-12-2024general physician
  • Dr Sheshmani Yadav 10-12-2024HMAI Membership
  • ASHOK KUMAR SONI09-12-2024Looking support for membership certificate
  • Sk kahar ali04-12-2024Nerve problem
  • Dr. Gholam Murtaza Saudagar02-12-2024I have paid full time membership payment on 07/01/2024 ,still not getting Certificate of lifetime HMAI member.
  • Dr Siddhartha Sankar Mohapatra 30-11-2024Wants to be a member
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